
Sugestão de palco: Festival de Glastonbury 2010, de 23 a 27 de Junho

Última chamada, Pessoas: o Festival de Glastonbury abre portas daqui a escassas horas, quando forem 8h da manhã pelo fuso de Londres.
Como o espaço é imenso e o programa prevê, como de costume, mil coisas a suceder em simultâneo, além das informações úteis disponibilizadas no site talvez encontrem utilidade nos seguintes links:

Podem acompanhar o que está acontecer, através da cobertura em directo via Twitter. Nesse caso convém saber que existirão dois feeds

  • twitter.com/glastofest (aka @glastofest)
    We'll be using our main Twitter page to post official news updates from the site - be it travel information, weather forecasts or line-up changes/announcements. If you're coming to the Festival, this will be well worth checking on your mobile phone's web browser once in a while.
  • twitter.com/glastolive (aka @glastolive)
    We'll be using this feed to post pictures and comments from our team of reporters roving the site, throughout the Festival. This feed will be embedded onto the official website, a bit like this last year. It's purpose will be to give a real flavour of what's going on, throughout the site. (We're giving it its own feed so that we can keep big news announcements separate, and to prevent us spamming up the Twitter feeds of people who follow @glastofest with our constant updates.)

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