"BRICs v. Smaller European Economies: Could Portugal Become “New Brasil”?"
por Richard Basas
The relationship between Portugal and Brazil, as well as Spain and many Latin American former colonies do not always reflect colonialism as seen in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Much of Latin America, including Brazil achieved independence from their colonial masters in the early 1800s and have had a lot longer time developing as independent nations with independent economies from their original colonial ties well before those colonies in Africa and Asia. Many Latin American nations celebrated 200 years of independence in 2010 and besides immigration coming from former colonial masters for generations, countries like Brazil have developed apart from Portugal for many generations. Interestingly enough, the Royal Family and government of Portugal left to take refuge in Brazil during the Napoleonic Wars, having Brazil accommodate Portugal’s government at the time and forming it as a strong independent state in 1822 apart from Portugal. Order and Progress took hold apart from Portugal since then and ties have been cultural, but economically independent from the Iberian powers.
While LEX’s argument can be seen as rational from an economic standpoint, is it realistic to assume that any nation would be comfortable being absorbed by any other nation? The New Brasil example, while offensive to many Portuguese, might be a workable option if Portugal and Brazil had stronger cultural ties. As one of the other BRICs, Russia has always claimed cultural, and thus political pull in former Soviet states that were populated with ethnic Russians and form much of the political make up of Russia’s neighbours. India in a few years might be dominant over the UK economy and create a former colonial situation, but Britons rarely accept being seen as culturally European, nevermind Indian. China and Chinese people have communities all over Asia and much of the world, but it would not avoid a conflict in absorbing Taiwan, Singapore and we have yet to see how Hong Kong will respond to added challenges to its independence and democratic system in a major way by Beijing, but many smaller examples certainly exist and are of great concern to locals in Hong Kong. Another obvious point is why a BRIC would want to absorb a small European nation and its debt, most BRICs are not trying to expand their already large territories or population, and it is not seen as Manifest Destiny by anyone in Brazil to take over Portugal or anywhere in Europe. Not a great option I suppose if Brazilians and Portuguese are against it, even if it makes economic sense, or cents.
publicado no Foreign Policy