As virtuosidades linguísticas do "inho" e do "ão" aplicadas à economia
Um texto muito engraçado em torno da plasticidade linguística que o "inho" e o "ão" emprestam ao português, nomeadamente no que se refere à compreensão do aumento extraordinário do PIB brasileiro. Um excerto:
The “ão” suffix got an outing on the national stage on March 3rd, when last year’s GDP figures were released. Brazil grew by 7.5%, a rate it hasn’t managed since 1986. How to express the sheer immensity of one’s pleasure? Such a prodigious achievement! Such a colossal economy! For Brazilian politicians and commentators it was easy: take the Portuguese acronym for gross domestic product (PIB: produto interno bruto), stick “ão” on the end and declare Brazil the proud possessor of a “Pibão”. Dilma Rousseff, the president, even declared the “Pibão” to be “bão”. To express that in English you would need to say something absurdly clumsy like: “The mega-GDP was mega-good.” I feel another attack of Portuglish coming on.
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