
Isto é o que U$ 39 mil em bilhetes lotéricos (e sonhos desperdiçados) podem criar


Aquele bilhete da Megasena que você comprou quando se sentiu sortudo é algo bacana, mas quando isso se torna um vício, é hora de uma intervenção. Dois artistas fizeram isso, mostrando o que poderia ser comprado com o dinheiro gasto em casas lotéricas.
Lauren Was e Adam Eckstrom da Escola de Design de Rhode Island juntaram milhares de dólares em bilhetes de loteria e criaram esculturas impressionantes mostrando no que esse dinheiro poderia ser gasto. Em vez de esperar ganhar uma bolada de dinheiro para férias no exterior ou um novo carro, os apostadores podiam ter conseguido essas coisas se guardassem o dinheiro investido nos jogos.
O Hummer H3 foi feito com o equivalente a 39 mil dólares em bilhetes, enquanto a “Dream Home”, com direito a lustre e mobília antiga, foi criado usando o equivalente a 70 mil dólares de cartõezinhos coloridos. [Yatzer via GreenDiary]

Recycled lottery tickets become what they're supposed to buy
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See your dreams dashed to the ground is an excruciating experience – especially, when you dare to dream big. Lottery addicts go through it so often. The art pair Ghost of a Dream, however, takes the burden of discarded lottery tickets off your shoulders and transforms them into such stuff that you always wished to own some day: Dream Car, Dream Vacation and Dream Home.

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Lauren Was and Adam Eckstrom, the Rhode Island School of Design graduates deal in dreams. Through their art, the artists aim to make one know what he could have bought, had he just saved the money that he frittered to buy lottery tickets.
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A full scale Hummer H3, which is worth $39,000 of lottery tickets, should humor the whims of any lottery freak.
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It goes for the $70,000 worth of scratch-off lottery tickets ‘Dream Home’ as well. Crammed with framed portraits, chandelier, area rug, a framed antique mirror, an ornate china closet, an antique clock and a statuesque candleholder, the Dream Home touts a mosaic quality.
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Via: Yatzer

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