
Projecto: 24 hours in the lives of ten people from around the world

Global Lives Project, an innovative video installation featuring documentaries that capture 24 hours in the lives of ten people from around the world who represent the diversity of the global population. Working with acclaimed filmmakers, artists and designers, Global Lives assembles the realities of everyday life from Lebanon, Serbia, China, India, Japan, Malawi, Indonesia, Brazil, Kazakhstan and San Francisco into an installation by architectural and design visionaries of Sand Studios and FOURM design+build+educate.

Uma colaboração internacional de diretores, arquitetos, designers, programadores, fotógrafos, artistas, e pessoas comuns do mundo inteiro, trabalhando juntos para documentar a diversidade da experiência da vida humana mundo afora.

Filmado em São Paulo, paralelamente à segunda filmagem do Projeto Global Lives, o vídeo seguinte serve como guia para executar uma filmagem local para o Projeto.

Entrevista de David Even Harris à BBC sobre o projecto Global Lives:

Sandip Roy da New America Media conversa com Davis Even Harris:

David Evan Harris is the brains behind the Global Lives Project featuring documentaries that capture 24 hours in the lives of ten people from around the world. It is playing now until June 20th at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.



Raw Footage

One of the many challenges of my job as an English teacher in the Basque Country is to inspire a level of understanding in my students on just how big the world is. Now living in a foreign country, the spectrum of cultural differences seems obvious to me, but for my my students, the world is infinitely smaller and incredibly isolated. This latter phenomenon occurs not because Spain isn’t a modern nation. It does not lack the educational or technological resources to promote a sense of global understanding in its youth. In one of many theories, the absence of global perspective is considered a by-product of Basque nationalism.
As explained to me by one of my students, “It’s not because we don’t want to travel and it’s not because we aren’t curious about the rest of the world…I think we are just less inclined to leave when our country is being threatened. If I leave the Basque Country to travel, to live, or to understand the rest of the world…that’s one less person speaking Basque. It also means I can’t speak my native language anywhere else in the world. It’s not true for everyone, but we forget there is the rest of the world because we are so worried about trying to keep our own place. We are told from when we are young how very few and how very important we are.”
Her comments sort of reminded me of the dangerous American ego complex – where from birth we are told that “you can be anything you want when you grow up” and “you are so lucky to be born in the greatest place in the world” and then later, we inadvertently translate this commentary – intended to be assuring and motivational – into some kind of excuse for not having to accommodate or learn about other cultures. It’s not always true, but it definitely happens.
That’s why I’m so attracted to the Global Lives Project, an ongoing video library that documents 24 continuous hours in the lives of ten people from around the world, intended to represent the diversity of our world population. The blood, sweat, and tears of this project – all produced by volunteer filmmakers, artists, and designers – will premiere in at the San Francisco YBCA this Friday, February 26th. Without narrative and without interpretation,  it is intended to show of the “force and depth of human difference and similarity” and “open a space for dialogue.”
I am confident that this project will be a huge success. Anything that injects a significant level of perspective into our lives is an enrichment. As a social entrepreneur and world change-maker, you have to be careful to never become too busy to lose sight of the immensely complex reality you are working to change and a young person, you have to do all you can to educate yourself about what is coming ahead of you. I take baby steps with my students. We have debates about national stereotypes and I struggle to quantify the vast diversity that exists within the United States, not to mention outside of it. I know they will never know until I throw them out there into the wind, but the appearance of the Global Lives Project, highlighting 24 hours in Lebanon, Serbia, China, India, Japan, Malawi, Indonesia, Brazil, Kazakhastan, and USA puts us one step closer. Now if I can just get them tickets to the premier…

Global Lives Project mission is to collaboratively build a video library of human life experience that reshapes how we are both producers and viewers conceive of cultures, nations, and people outside of our own communities.

via Social Earth

Global Lives Project Opening Celebration
Fri, Feb 26, 7:3011:30 pm
RBI, Grand Lobby & Forum
FREE • RSVP Recommended

Groove globally and drink locally at this winter's hottest party! Join the Bay Area's freshest beatsmiths Kid Kameleon (Surya Dub; XLR8R) and special guests Chief Boima (Baobab Village) and Tinker (false profit) to toast the opening of this massive interactive video library of humanity. Experience YBCA's Forum like never before with a one-night-only video installation! Cash bars and local stars make this a must-attend event. RSVP at ybcafree.org for priority entrance!

Footage from the opening night party of the Global Lives Project exhibit at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Over a thousand people packed the house to celebrate the realization of the vision of the Global Lives Collective—a group of hundreds of collaborating filmmakers, photographers, artists, designers, and everyday people from around the world.
Video by Dan Jones (Harvard University, Berkman Center for Internet and Society / Global Lives) and Naomi Ture (KMVT / Global Lives

# Site oficial: Global Lives Project

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