Obama e o seu staff assistem em directo à morte de Bin Laden
Foto oficial divulgada pela Casa Branca. fotógrafo: Pete Souza
Barack Obama acompanhou ao vivo e em directo, a partir da Casa Branca, a operação militar de 40 minutos e o assalto à casa de Bin Laden.
Na legenda no Flickr lê-se o seguinte descritivo:
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011. Please note: a classified document seen in this photograph has been obscured.
Para somar à ironia de tudo isto, com a devida vénia ao Neil Mann e para complementar a explicação e o slideshow da revista Time, ficam algumas observações à foto via Boing Boing:
* There was some talk on the news wires of CIA director Leon Panetta and the National Security team watching the operation unfold, real-time, via live video. Is that what they're doing here? And how did that work?
* Are they viewing the moment of the kill, or perhaps the body?
* Wonder what that mosaic'd document was. Guesses?
* The document beneath it looks like the aerial shot of the compound one can also see on Google Earth.
* Next to Obama on the floor, there's a burn bag.
* Man next to Clinton has a "Secret Service" lanyard around his neck.
* Clinton's holding a binder that says "Top Secret Code Word NOFORN, For use in White House Sit Room only."
* They're using HP laptops.
* Ethernet, no wireless.
* Clinton's expression is particularly intense.
* Seating arrangement.
Leio as sete longas páginas do obituário publicado no NY Times e ocorre-me Mark Twain:
«I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.»